
My Dream- 28th Feb

 Yesterday I saw I beautiful dream. It was one of the rearrests dreams ever. I remember I have seen this kind of dram twice in my life. It was about the moment before falling in love, I am not sure falling in love is so special, it always has been. I was seeing , I went to my high school for a reunion, where Sanatan da was there , the assistant from the physics lab. I met him and was surprised to see that he was able to recognize me. Then he referred to a guy in a way that we were known to each other before, but I was finding it hurt to recognize him, I went to see more stalls with him, and while we were roaming around I saw the care and affection in his eyes for me. I am not sure if I was falling for him in my dream, but definitely missing him when I was awake. Then we went to have food. He was talking to someone while I was eating. I thought he left me and went on his way as I was taking time to eat and telling people about my memory in school. How we used to play kabaddi inside the

8th may

Today morning when i started my day I was very de motivated and was not happy with my work now whenever I am applying for job I am not getting any reply from the recruiter that is something I was very upset of but some my close friends who made be understand that this is not the right time to search any new job because the market market is not stable so I have to wait at least for the market to be stable so I decided to make myself comfortable in my current job and do my best whatever I could. Coming to my married life I miss Shaffy very much. But whatever he promised not keeping any of that till now. Last time when I went back to my house from Bangalore so I regretted it very much a letter because whenever there is some opinion differences happened so I got to hear lot of things and I was not able to cook of with the situation and given that type of job I am in so I am not able to leg you know put any effort in the family life on integral house chors so that is a very like controversi
 I thought of resume my writing today, there are so many changes that I am going through so many changes after marriage like adjusting to a new family, adopting a new culture and values, sharing room with anew person on a daily basis. Still learning what to ignore and what not to. Still getting weird dreams, dreams are weird anyway. Yesterday,  I was seeing I am going to get married with Gopal again.neither was I not happy about it nor I denied to it , I dialed the correct number of him but one lady picked up the call saying he is not around and giving his another number , I thought she might be his brother's wife. She was telling the number but I didnt have a good pen to write down it anyway I wrote it. After putting down the phone I was searching the number in the where I have written but couldnt find it. Meanwhile I remember that he was married to Arpita and has a daughter and I wanted to ask him about that. I saw him on the road, he came on his collage bus for excursion. Our ma

1st February

 It has been a roller coaster for pas 2 weeks.  There was contract ending news for my project. In this time should I concentrate on my wedding or getting prepared for the interview ? But i tried my level best. I started preparing myself for the interview, there are lot of things to brush up. As I started the process the list of module kept on increasing. Any way on top of this, there was some discrepancy regarding my venue booking. I got to know that the person I delt with , is no more working there. I got another contact of a manager. She assured me not to worry. But she kept calling and asking non sense question and asking me to deal with the person whi initiated the process. I tried to reach the Hotel's social networking page , and put message of getting harrased in the messanger. I was asked to share my contact. After sometime, I got call from corporate office, and I shared my concern , then she asked me to share the details. As soon as i put the ph down , I got call from the m

7th anuary, 2023

No matter what I will stay positive, I will do good.  No matter what I will respect my husband. I know , one day he will prove himself. he will do good. We will be happy together. I know challenges willcome, I will face with positive mindset. I will be open. I know my mom will learn to stay without me. She will be happy.

12th August

 Today also work pressure is good, but I guess next week it will be bombarding with the defects. I have learned to handle stories with patience, like dont jump after you think you finished a task. test thoroughly. Dont rush to to finish it , enjoty the process and try to learn. Add your analysis in task. Burn hours. Try to be attentive in meetings. I am sure that with time I shall improve this.


 Yesterday , work pressure was light. Rest of the tiles arrived, shopkeeper informed me that they have sent 1 wrong box , which I have to return. It was so difficult to finding out the odd one. But, I found my way. And I got it done. Banani, called and said that she will be coming over , I am so happy . Didnt inform about the house current condition or else she would have stepped back. Waiting to see her.